Energy Economics
The economics of energy reveal and raise underlying, intangible flux across the whole organization, before it converts to business action and results. With autopilot turned off, these business tools can help recognize, choose, plug into and radiate the appropriate energies at work.
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Raise your total energy flux

In business, energy is like an invisible hand that influences whether your project will progress, stagnate or dissolve. It’s the missing piece that bridges the gap between where you currently stand in business and what you are capable of achieving. The larger this gap, the more energy needs to flow throughout all creative processes to get there. The amount of time it takes to make anything happen is always a consequence, never a predetermined fact. The source of speed is energy flux.

Energy economics is a whole new world of efficiency, accomplished with effortless, creative, synergetic teamwork that fills (instead of draining) your team members.

Tangible results originate from an intangible resource: E=mc²

All leaders expect tangible results but few take care of their team’s basic intangible resource: energy. This beautiful world is full of energy. Yes, energy is intangible, but it does have a current. Energy is always flowing around and through us all. It is the currency of life. Science figured out the link between energy and matter long ago (E=mc²).

However, nobody gave leaders the business tools and language to even discuss, let alone manage the flux of energy across their teams. So most leaders just tolerate the inefficiency and avoid conversations about energy.

Disrespecting energy systematically overspends money and time

The main reason why time and money are overspent is because of the lack of respect for the energy, your own and that of others. Physical, mental, financial (as well as sexual) forms of energy are quickly taken for granted as soon as success comes and people stop fearing for their survival. They are also, if not even more so, taken for granted by people and organizations who don’t consider themselves successful yet.

Inefficiency comes from foolishly frittering away one’s personal or corporate energy by not paying attention or by mishandling it. Huge energy drainers include all disputes, unfinished (still open) obligations, time pressure and stress. One has to analyze what one's energy flows towards, especially if, at the end of the day, one has no clue what it was spent on.

Making decisions in autopilot mode versus awareness mode


The main challenge is that one does not pay full attention to what one is investing energy into. People can run on autopilot for days, weeks (even years!), not noticing where the energy is going. Most people were not taught to stop and think:

"Where does my energy go?
Into what am I investing my energy?
How am I distributing my energy?"

Instead, automatic patterns play on a loop and people are stuck with their daily routines while making decisions that commit them to repeating the same loop over and over again. The most common autopilot loops include the fearful avoidance of selling (while never having enough), body or financial insecurity (while judging others), and nurturing exploding relationships (yet always starting new ones). The predictability of these loops in life provides a (false) feeling of control and safety. But this actually makes life pass you by, without living it freely. One makes decisions without awareness, and therefore closes most options upfront.


Try as often as you can to ask yourself: 

"What am I doing right now?
What am I feeling right now?
What am I sensing right now?" 

Answering these questions forces one’s focus from the automatic, mentally created scenarios of either past or the hypothetical future to "this moment and this place." One becomes more aware of the surroundings, the present time, and the plethora of choices one has. Sober choices can both redefine the course of the future as well as redefine the meaning attached to events from the past.

Raising the organization’s energy

The total energy of an organization is defined by the energy levels of individuals within the organization. Other resources of vital energy for a business, such as money, are just as important. However, it takes human energy to do something with money. And human energy is much more volatile, thus presenting an opportunity to raise it higher, faster, to those who know how. The more people who are aware that their energy is the organization’s vastest resource, the greater the rise of bottom-line energy, available for conversion into results. 

In order to accumulate energy, one can increase their overall available energy, or be more selective in expending their energy, doing so more efficiently. Ideally, one deploys both methods simultaneously.


There are three ways to increase the amount of energy available to flow through oneself:

  1. Working on being “in one’s pillar”: being centered by having the mind, body and spirit (or feeling) synchronized. Maintaining calm, recognizing when something “feels right," not letting doubts linger around in perpetuity. Spotting knowledge and information reaffirming that “this is it." Feeling joy and reducing any resistance.

  2. Releasing energy that is trapped in past stories, trauma or even conversations that didn’t go well. This can be done immediately upon realizing that energy has been trapped and it may be enough to do so once per event.

  3. Building good habits for the health of one’s body, mind and spirit. This is an ongoing, life-long practice. But it stacks up as compound interest.


Managing the investment of one’s energy wisely requires knowing what kind of energy to deploy when, where, and for how long. Doing the following can inform energy investment decisions:

  • Awareness of one’s own (and other’s) emotional state, mindfulness of word choice (in an advanced sense, this includes choosing one’s thoughts, as well) 

  • Harmonize one’s inner feminine and masculine energies based on internal need or the nature of the task

  • Gratefulness

  • Manage time to be able to deploy the power of laser focus

  • Meditations to relax or recharge when needed (prevention is cheaper in time and energy than intervention)

Utilizing masculine and feminine energies

The energy one brings to work can be expressed from their inner feminine or masculine aspect. Every individual, regardless of their gender, contains both feminine and masculine energies. Taking the time to recognize and, if needed, heal masculine and/or feminine energies within oneself goes a long way toward more efficient and effective energy use.

Harmonized masculine and feminine energies bring more satisfaction, health and freedom on a personal level, translating to outstanding success on a broader level and in teams. 

“Harmonized” means being able to pull from the healthy expression of each (or both), as the situation warrants.

For example, when one needs linear thinking for planning, one taps into their masculine energy that expresses itself as logic and reasoning, firmly securing their team’s focus and thus achieving efficiency.

When wanting to inspire a team, one provokes feelings by opening up to feminine energy and radiating one’s own feelings with a generous dose of creativity.

Fiery passion, coupled with a solid and secure structure, can lead the team beyond their boundaries and make something happen that they previously thought impossible. The combination of the two at the right time is a potent mix.

Why opposites stop to attract and start to disturb

When one’s inner aspects of masculine and feminine energy get damaged by subconscious limiting beliefs and old traumas, its expressions become exaggerated, incompatible with their opposite, and dangerously destructive.

With the raised awareness of damaged feminine and masculine energy, teams can begin to mitigate issues caused by incompatible clashes. As it becomes more and more normal to address these subjects, either with their leader or in a group, it gets easier to handle the damaged expressions of feminine and masculine that reside in each employee. With such a transparency of one of the most powerful nature-given instruments, the feminine and masculine principles, individuals can train healthy expressions of each aspect, reach inner harmony at work, and scale this harmony into teamwork.

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Feminine & Masculine

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Efficiency at Scale

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Explore next topic: Business Manifestation

Manifestation, i.e. conscious creation, is how the outcomes of your work can turn out exactly the way you define them.

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