Join us in building a parallel highway where organizations address the real needs of time and space.
Humanity is amidst mass extinction. Will our generation be the last one? Or will we enable a future to more generations?
It's not business as usual. But it's necessary. We are redefining business. Innovating models of the next evolutionary step of leadership. Consciously creating the world we want to live in.
At Reemina, we exist to serve the leaders who are ready to take this responsibility.
You’re the best in your field. You want to do something meaningful, with leverage. You want to do your part.
We currently don't have any open positions.
Open your heart, be honest, fair, sincere and truthful.
Communicate enthusiasm but remember to stay humble.
Listen to your body.
Co-create a safe world, starting with feeling secure on the inside.*
Use humor appropriately to energize. Aim to feel joy when working.
Express gratitude for everything you are, have and have the opportunity to experience.
Celebrate life.
See and take care of the beauty around you.
Take responsibility for your reality entirely.
Exit the autopilot frequently.
Allow yourself to feel all feelings.
When necessary, cleanse and heal yourself to get back to your true senses.
Feel your full potential.*
Boldly choose your target from an infinite pool of potential options.
Turn problems into challenges. Look for Signs, not for excuses. Identify the root of a problem before you search for solutions. Transform failures into lessons learned.
Understand the purpose of anything you do before doing it. Get unlimited inspiration and Passion from the understood purpose.
Set a clear manifestation before you lead others into the unknown path towards it.
Clarify your mission and set SMART goals that you can reach on time. Stay in shape and measure progress.
Grow by delegating responsibility to your team. Know what you can or can't trust yourself or others with.
Learn from everyone. Teach yourself.
Accept yourself and others as they are.
Chill people, chill atmospheres.
Create ample time and space to feel, think, create, enjoy.
Look far ahead and put out fires before they grow.
Proactively communicate ideas and issues.
Use your right to remain calm and cool under pressure.
Let Passion carry you through anything that needs to be done.
Tune into the shared Vision.
Co-crate the world we would like to live in.
Feel one with the team (as good as you feel in your own body, you feel in the company of the team)*
Serve others and accept the service of others.
Understand goals, both yours and others’.
Share information and resources.
Listen actively and give clear feedback.
Step in and help out a colleague in need.
Work out conflicts directly with the person involved.
Treat partners as part of our extended team.
Continuously improve what matters and be creative.
Using your unique talents and gifts, inspire others to co-create with you.
Celebrate everything you’ve already achieved.
Whatever you’re aiming at, feel like you already have it.*
Maintain your integrity and your values across all life roles.
Be aware that your decisions and actions speak louder than words.
Let your integrity prevail over quick and temporary escapes, lies and deceptions.
Make the most impact towards building our world by being a living proof that it’s possible.
When asked to coach, coach.
Wherever you go, carry your awareness and shine your light.
Let your composure cause people to bring the right attitude into your collaboration.
Consider your work as lifework that fulfills your life purpose.
Respect and love yourself, all living beings and Nature.
Use compassion to communicate with any person as an equal human firstly, regardless of everything else.
Stand by the agreements you make.
Work with others, not for others.
Pause your important work when your feelings are low. Only deal with situations when you can lift them up.
Embrace the laws of Nature and the laws of the Universe.
So you can create the inconceivable.